Privacy Policy

The collection and storage of personal information submitted to Broccoli Bottom is governed by the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations 2018). This means your details will not be divulged to third parties and we will not send you promotional information, by e-mail or post, unless you have agreed to it.

Under the new GDPR legislation, you retain the right to access, modify or ask for deletion of any of the data about you* held by Broccoli Bottom.

When you visit the Broccoli Bottom website, or when you register your details or purchase stay at Broccoli Bottom, you agree to be governed by Broccoli Bottom’s terms and conditions.

However as part of our commitment to our customers we are required to ensure we handle all of your data in compliance with the laws contained in the GDPR data act.

We are required on your request, and with proof of identity, to be in a position to delete all of your data that we hold on our database*.

This is in relation to the legislation outlined within the GDPR’s ‘Right to be forgotten’.

Please complete the form on the  Request Data Deletion page to begin the data deletion process, one of our team will be in touch with you to process your request after provision of the required proof of identity.

*Unfortunately we cannot remove any data required for our business accountancy processes/ or any information that will be required for HRMC reporting.

Company Information

Broccoli Bottom Self Catering Apartments & Bed and Breakfast

Broccoli Bottom Ltd.

Registered in England and Wales, company number: 000000

Registered office address:
Broccoli Bottom
Wing Road
LE15 8SZ